Sains Malaysiana 54(1)(2025): 303-312
Properties in Count Data Distributions: A Three-Decade Bibliometric Analysis
(Sifat Inflasi dalam Agihan Data Bilangan: Suatu Analisis Bibliometrik Tiga Dekad)
Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Received: 29
April 2024/Accepted: 7 October 2024
have been proposing inflated models for count data since 1992, which was
pioneered by Diane Lambert. In inflated models for count data, the inflation
points commonly occurs either at zero and/or one. A comprehensive bibliometric
analysis has been conducted to investigate how popular the studies on inflated
models have been since 1992. A total of 724 documents have been retrieved from
Scopus database, which include all types of documents and languages. The
publications growth rate for the inflated count data models was 16.27%, proving
that many researchers were attracted to this area of study. Majority of the
documents were articles and written in English. One article published in the R
Journal has obtained the most acceptance among the community as seen from the
average number of citations each year. The United States of America may have
been collaborating with lots of researchers from other countries but the
University of São Paulo, Brazil has published the greatest number of documents
related to the inflated count data models.
Keywords: Inflated
models; one-inflated; zero-inflated; zero-one-inflated
Penyelidik telah mengemukakan model terinflasi untuk data bilangan sejak tahun 1992, yang dipelopori oleh
Diane Lambert. Dalam model terinflasi untuk data bilangan, titik inflasi biasanya berlaku di sifar dan/atau satu. Analisis bibliometrik komprehensif telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji seberapa popular kajian mengenai model-model terinflasi sejak tahun 1992. Sejumlah 724 dokumen telah diperoleh daripada pangkalan data Scopus,
yang merangkumi semua jenis dokumen dan bahasa. Kadar pertumbuhan penerbitan untuk model data bilangan terinflasi adalah 16.27%, membuktikan bahawa ramai penyelidik tertarik dengan bidang kajian ini. Sebahagian besar dokumen adalah artikel dan ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Satu artikel yang diterbitkan dalam R Journal telah mendapat penerimaan terbesar dalam kalangan komuniti seperti yang dapat dilihat daripada jumlah purata sitasi setiap tahun. Amerika
Syarikat mungkin telah bekerjasama dengan banyak penyelidik dari negara lain tetapi Universiti São Paulo, Brazil telah menerbitkan jumlah dokumen terbesar berkaitan dengan model-model data bilangan terinflasi.
Kata kunci: Model terinflasi; satu-terinflasi; sifar-satu-terinflasi; sifar-terinflasi
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